Summer Camp




Northside Preschool's Summer Camp is just around the corner!
To see the full schedule, please view this flyer

Register your child(ren) today!  Register Now

Dear Parents,

We love Summer Camps at Northside Preschool! Registration is simple. Use the registration link (provided above) to complete the Camp Registration Form. Upon completion of your form, you will receive an invoice through Brightwheel for the registration fee.

The fee is $150 per session. $50 (per session you are registering for) of this fee is due within 24 hours after receiving your invoice and is non-refundable. The remainder of the session fee ($100) is due on or before the first day of each session attended. All fees will be collected through Brightwheel.

The program is open to two-year-olds (two on or before March 1, 2025) through rising 2nd graders. Enrollment will be limited and is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Important instructions for all sessions of camp:

  1. Camp doors open at 9:00 a.m.
  2. A mid-morning snack will be provided each day.
  3. Each child will bring the following:
    • lunch (including spill-proof water bottle) daily
    • extra change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag to keep at camp for the week
    • pull-ups with re-fastenable sides & wipes if applicable
    • Dress your child in comfortable clothes. PLEASE WEAR TENNIS SHOES FOR SAFETY.

**We are an allergy-aware school**

If your child has any allergies, we require an Allergy Action Plan on file before the first day of camp. To provide the safest environment for all children, we may ask all parents to limit the foods they send to school with their child(ren).

We look forward to having your child as part of our summer program!

Danielle Glenewinkel
Director, Northside Preschool