



Production Team


The goal of the Production Team is to make disciples of all nations—starting online. There are several different volunteer roles on the team. Our volunteers typically serve one Sunday per month either at the 9:00 or 10:45 a.m. service. First service arrival is 8:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings; second service arrival is 10:15 a.m., staying about 15 minutes after each service ends. 

Volunteer Roles:

  • Audio Volunteer: Serves by managing the sound board, either for the congregation in the sanctuary or for our online viewers and overflow room from the Stream Room. Volunteers will adjust volume and balance for the worship team and open up channels for the speaker(s) to ensure a worshipful experience for everyone. No prior experience is requires—we can teach you everything you need to know.
  • Presentation Volunteer: Serves by helping project song lyrics, Scriptures, and pictures/slides for the services. Volunteers will learn to use ProPresenter. No prior experience is required.
  • Video Volunteer: Serves in the Digital Ministries Room by using our video production software to broadcast services online and throughout the church. Volunteers will learn to run our vMix software and gain experience managing the visual side of our Sunday services. No prior experience is required.

Open Spots:

  • 9:00 a.m. service: 1 audio volunteer, 1 presentation volunteer, 1 video volunteer
  • 10:45 a.m. service: 1 audio volunteer, 1 presentation volunteer, 1 video volunteer


Join the Team