Northside Worship Team
Music is an integral aspect of the Sunday morning service. Song has a way of connecting our heart, mind, and body together to lift up Christ in ways that no other medium can. Our aim is to play excellently to aid in this goal. The Northside Worship Team meets on Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. We desire for all people to be at Thursday rehearsal but no pressure depending on experience level.
Volunteer Roles:
- Band Member: We currently have volunteers who play keys/piano, bass, drums, electric, and acoustic guitar. If you play an instrument and are interested in serving, we want to talk with you!
- Vocalist: These individuals don't have to be featured on American Idol, but we do desire volunteers who can hold pitch and have an expressive heart. Heart posture with someone vocally leading is extremely important. There is a variety of levels on our team from background vocals to leaders.
Open Spots:
- 2 male vocalists
- 1 keys player
- 2 bass players
- 1 drummer
- 1 electric guitarist
Join the Team